Edition Birmingham
由領先的伯明翰發展商,擁有良好口碑、準時交樓嘅發展商 Court Collaboration & Select Property 共同打造,位於伯明翰市中心黃金商業地段。項目提供一房及兩房,價錢由£296,864起,預計高達6%的租金回報率,加上伯明空房屋空置率只有0.2%,為業主提供穩定的租金收入。
- 發展商 Count Collaboration
- 地址 Brindley Drive, Birmingham
- 預計完工時間 Q2 2027
- 單位數量 149 luxury apartments
- State-of-the-art yoga and spin studios
- Climbing wall
- BBQ area
- Premium coworking lounge
- 20-metre swimming pool
- 24-7 concierge and security
- Spa with hydropool, sauna and steam room
- Private dining place
- Skyline gymnasium with terrace
- Resident sky lounge
Edition位於伯明翰四大商業區之間,距離Jewelery Quarter, Paradise等著名商業區步行只需5分鐘。因此吸引了多家頂級金融銀行入駐,租戶包括HSBC, PwC, JLL等。
此外,抵達歐洲最大的公共圖書館伯明翰圖書館僅1分鐘路程。 8分鐘還可到達Aston University等高等院校。步行3分鐘即可抵達巴士站,呈現完美的10分鐘生活圈!
About the Developer: Count Collaboration
Inspired by sustainable living and beautiful design, and driven by a deep understanding of the demands of modern living, Court Collaboration curates the highest quality residential experiences.
• Over 1,000 residential properties delivered across 13 developments
• 15 years of experience in the property sector, from site acquisition, legal structuring and planning to construction, delivery and branding
• Specialists in iconic high-rise developments including Birmingham’s tallest residential development at 51 storeys

About the Sales & marketing partner: Select Property
Driven by a mission to deliver the most exciting property investments, shaped by people and place, to drive the strongest returns for global investors.
Offering a one-stop investment service, Select Property develops, sells and manages UK property for global investors.
• Founded in 2004, Select Property has two decades of experience and developed five brands across multiple property sectors
• Offices in Manchester, Dubai, Shanghai and Hong Kong
• £2.86 billion worth of global property sales
• £280 million paid to investors in rental revenue across the Group

Why is 2024 a prime time to invest in Birmingham?
英國皇家特許測量師學會 (RICS) 報告稱,新買家詢價指數從負 6% 上升至正 2%,反映了潛在買家的情況。因此,市場和專家對樓市的上漲趨勢持樂觀態度。
3. 國際金融巨頭和政府機構看好進駐
伯明翰成功轉型為以服務業為主的現代化城市,吸引了許多跨國公司在此設立總部和辦事處。德意志銀行、匯豐銀行、普華永道、摩根大通、德勤、IBM 等財富 500 強企業都簽署了長期租賃合約。吸引了許多年輕的專業人士,進一步推動了當地的租賃房地產市場,使其成為搶手的資產。市場預測,未來幾年伯明翰房地產市場將維持穩定上升趨勢。
4. 可觀租金回報